5 Biggest Mistakes Businesses Make when Developing Apps for the Web

More and more companies are developing web apps as a means of engaging with their customers. They tend to be developed for one of three reasons; to improve customer experience, to boost sales, or to be more competitive than others in the same market.
What is a web app?
A web app is a simplified version of your website which focuses on the main processes and actions carried out by your users. It is used within a web browser, unlike a mobile app which is downloaded onto your device.
Why does my business need a web app?
Web apps have shown better results than websites when it comes to sales growth and customer engagement.
Sales Growth
Developing a web app means that you have an additional channel to make sales. It will provide simplicity for your customers to complete transactions, but also open the opportunity for a new platform where you can provide personalized advertising and upselling.
It will provide you with the chance to directly engage with anyone who has downloaded your app and allow you to send push notifications of deals and bonuses, encouraging a transaction further.
Customer Engagement
More often than not, users will be coming to your website to complete one of a few actions. By providing them with a web app, allows them to create these actions more efficiently. It also means you have the ability to save details and make personalizations, again making the journey easier for the user.
This simplistic view will help improve customer engagement (providing you get it right) as it takes the stress away from what they are trying to complete. Furthermore, the ability to send push notifications and alerts to users, means you will be getting your messaging in front of them more repetitively so your brand is not forgotten.

So, we have established why your business would benefit from having a web app, but there are a number of common mistakes that are made during the development process which can cause it to flop.
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