TOP 10 Technologies that Take Software Development Industry to the Future

AIST Global
3 min readJun 8, 2021

In the rat race to reach the top, organizations want to leave no stone unturned. They come up with great websites, better ideas, and the best way to make it in the digital domain. They are competing to create software to take over the new markets and products. Along with this, organizations are likewise creating undertaking applications to improve their operational effectiveness.

As a provider of enterprise mobility services with a high reliance on big business frameworks, you should know where software development will help you make some revenue in the coming decades. This necessitates the rising patterns in software development and thus only we would be discussing our best of knowledge relevant to the revenue leveraging technologies we have around us today.

A complete year has passed with most of us accepting remote working as the new normal. Knowing the fact that ‘With the new trends, comes new challenges and thus, new developments’, let us give eyesight over the best trends in software development in 2021.


1. Mixed Reality Proves Its Potential in Business Management

The mixture of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) has great potential to serve every size or scale of enterprise businesses, especially the bigger ones. As both, they actually automate things that we used to control manually in the traditional ways.

Things that were either drawn on paper or designed with the help of an architect are nowadays easy to develop with Virtual reality.

However, AR coordinates computerized content with the physical condition of clients. It allows us to not just see but to operate in reality by just augmenting the part onto the system via technology.

It ain’t strange if we say there are more AR & VR-based games around us than the usual ones that we used to play in the early period of Video games.

According to a study, the Mixed Reality market will rise from $1.054 billion in 2017 to $9.982 billion by 2024, and it will see a CAGR of 73.2% during the 2018–2023 period.

2. Blockchain Integrates Simplicity, Transparency, and Security

While digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ether have caused us to stay up and track blockchain, the innovation has wide ramifications for big business frameworks. Blockchain is a shared (P2P) system. The contracts of blockchain networks cannot tamper. Thus, they gain a lot of trusts and their execution is irreversible, which can make administering the contracts easier.

The study reveals market for blockchain technology will touch the $57.641 billion mark in 2025, accompanied by an impressive 69.4% CAGR between 2019 and 2025.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Unveils Wise Organizational Frameworks

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a multi-disciplinary piece of programming building, which intends to make machines perform exercises that just people could do earlier. Things used to take enormous knowledge support as well as a bulk of manpower to envisage the upcoming estimates, irrespective of any matter it is. But, now things have changed.

All that it takes today is just an algorithm to run or press the button, but not forgetting the backend support yet is way bigger than our assumptions. The data storage as well as its computing from the cloud itself is a task, peculiar enough to be handled by anyone unlike a hardware shop dedicatedly built up to store data storing devices.

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Technologies that Take Software Development Industry to the Future



AIST Global

AIST — a software agency based in Yerevan, Armenia. Since 2016 we provide web and app development and design services.